Thorley Hill Primary School

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Welcome to Thorley Hill Primary School

At Thorley Hill Primary School we believe that by respecting and valuing everyone in our school community, by believing in ourselves and in others, there are no limits to what we can achieve.


We aim to provide opportunities for all pupils to make the best possible progress and attain the highest personal achievements in an environment of mutual respect, care and discipline, where every individual’s contribution to the school community is recognized and appreciated. We strive to develop high self-esteem in our children, a deep respect for others and a strong determination to rise to challenges and succeed in all that we do.  Ultimately we aim to nurture a life-long love of learning that will enable every one of us to be successful in the ever changing world in which we live.

Please use this site to find out more about our school and our values, but the best way to appreciate our school is to come along and visit us. We would be proud to show you around so that you can see us in action. 

Mrs D Gunn 

The Sky's the Limit