Thorley Hill Primary School

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The Department for Education has produced a ‘Statutory Policies for Schools’ document, which outlines the policies and other documents governing bodies are legally required to hold.  The Governing Body of Thorley Hill Primary School used this guidance to create a policy review schedule.

All policies are reviewed in line with the schedule and are available, either electronically or in paper form without charge, upon request.  Please contact the school office if you wish to receive copies of any of our policies and we will be very happy to help you.

Complaints Procedure

In the first instance an appointment should be made with the class teacher to discuss any issue that has arisen.  

If concerns remain after consultation with the class teacher, then an appointment should be made to see the Headteacher.

A copy of our Complaints Policy can be viewed here


At Thorley Hill Primary School we believe that diversity is a strength that should be respected and celebrated by those who teach and learn here and all who visit us.