Thorley Hill Primary School

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The teaching of phonics begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage and follows the validated phonics scheme 'Essential Letters and Sounds'.  Children in Nursery begin learning phonics through songs, rhymes, stories and games to develop their phonological awareness.

In Reception, children begin learning specific letters and how to blend and segment these to read and spell.  The children develop their learning through the different phases, introducing digraphs and trigraphs as they progress through the 'Essential Letters and Sounds' programme, which runs throughout Reception and Year One.  The children are taught as a whole class with specific differentiation to ensure that everyone keeps up with the learning.  The programme fully prepares children with the skills they need to complete the 'Phonics Screening Check' at the end of Year One.  Children that may need specific support with phonics in Year Two receive further intervention as required.

If you would like to support your child with their phonics at home here are some videos demonstrating how the sounds are pronounced.

Phase 2 sounds are taught in reception

Phase 3 sounds are taught in reception

Phase 5 sounds are introduced in Reception and embedded in Year 1. 

For more information about how you can support your child please visit the Oxford Owl website

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