How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
In addition to formal parent/carer consultation meetings, you can also discuss your child’s education with their class teacher, SENCO or Headteacher. If you need an appointment, this can be made through the school office.
For some pupils, a school/home liaison book may be used to enable regular information-sharing and updates between key school staff and parents/carers.
Where a child needs more focused, individualised differentiation, an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) or similar may be introduced to enable closer monitoring of small steps of progress. Ideas and information will be recorded then shared and reviewed in partnership with you. Advice from outside professionals will be included and followed in the plan where there is involvement.
At times where a child’s needs are more complex and they may need support from a number of outside agencies, it may be beneficial to initiate a Families First Assessment (FFA). This will enable a team of professionals and family members to meet regularly to offer help and support to meet the needs of one or more of the family. This is called a TAF (Team Around the Family). If a FFA is considered, the SENCO will meet with the parents/carers to explain about the process. A FFA will only be initiated with parental consent.
If your child’s needs are significant, it may be appropriate to undertake a statutory assessment of his/her needs. During this process you will also be supported by the Children’s Services SEN Team. They will ensure that you fully understand the process. The assessment may lead to the issue of an EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan), Once an EHCP is in place, regular review meetings will be organised and the Plan will be fully reviewed with you annually.