What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
The well-being of all pupils is of primary concern at Thorley Hill Primary School. We strive to build positive relationships whereby parents, pupils and teachers can share ideas and information together to make school a safe and happy place for everyone.
Children are supported with their social and emotional development throughout the school day through the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is an integral part of our curriculum and is taught explicitly in class. In school we also teach about Protective Behaviours to help enhance the children’s awareness of how to stay safe.
The school has two dedicated Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs), that support the emotional health and well-being of individual or small groups of children. The ELSAs liaise every six-eight weeks with their linked Hertfordshire Educational Psychologist to develop child centred programmes.
Additional support from specialist staff, such as ASPECTS (family support), Safe Space or the Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) can be accessed via a referral process with parental request.
Children’s views are sought via Pupil Voice, Junior Leadership Team and other forums. Their ideas are listened to and valued.
Our Behaviour Policy, which includes guidance on expectations is fully understood and in place by all staff.
The well-being of all pupils is monitored regularly through our annual pupil questionnaire.
We regularly monitor attendance and take appropriate steps to encourage punctuality and prevent unauthorised absence.
During periods of home learning the SENCO/class teacher will call your child on a regular basis. Should it be necessary, additional calls will be made.