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Thorley Hill Primary School

How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs? 

All teachers use information about the strengths and needs of individual pupils so they can plan the learning within the curriculum to ensure that all pupils are able to make progress.

Lessons are appropriately differentiated for groups or individuals to enable access to learning and foster greater independence.

Additional provision is coordinated by the school’s SENCO and is designed and implemented by teaching staff, ably supported by learning support assistants.  The interventions that take place may take the form of individual support or small group programmes, which we refer to as Focus, Achieve, Believe groups (FAB). Interventions are carefully targeted according to an analysis of need.

The progress of identified groups of children, including those with SEND, is also closely monitored by the SEND Governor who feeds back at regular Learning and Pupil Welfare Governing Body meetings.

The use of specific resources and materials will further aid access and independence.

Advice sought from outside agencies will be incorporated into the child’s provision.

Regular assessment will inform where amendments to provision may be required.