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Thorley Hill Primary School

How will I know how my child is doing?

We believe in working closely with parents/carers in sharing ideas and information to encourage children to aspire to achieve of their best in their learning and their self-esteem.

Formal parent/carer consultation evenings take place in the Autumn and Spring Terms.  A written report is sent home in the Summer Term and appointments offered if required.  In addition to this, if a child needs a more bespoke programme of support, targets and progress will be recorded on an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). These targets relate to an area of the academic curriculum or to develop social or emotional skills.  The ILPs are shared regularly with parents/carers at an additional meeting held once a term.  Further meetings may take place as required, 

If a family has a Families First Assessment or Family Support Plan, then this is reviewed every 6-9 weeks via a Team Around the Family (TAF). For some families, it may be appropriate to have a home/school liaison book.

The progress of children with an Education Health and Care Plan (ECHP) is formally reviewed annually.