How will the school staff support my child?
The SENCO and Head Teacher meet regularly to ensure excellent provision for all children with SEND. School Governors are responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the provision in place and receive regular updates. The level of support depends on the individual needs of the child.
The school will implement increasing levels of support.
- Universal provision
High-quality teaching that takes account of all learners' needs and prior learning. This teaching is planned and matched to the learning of all children to help them make progress. At this stage, a child may receive in-class support planned by the class teacher.
- Universal Plus - Additional School Intervention and Support FAB groups
Teachers will identify children who continue to need further support and would also benefit from additional interventions and programmes. These children will be identified using assessment data and professional judgement. The interventions that take place may take the form of individual support or small group programmes. The interventions are carefully targeted according to an analysis of need and the progress of learners is closely tracked for impact. This support can occur outside lessons or maybe built into the structure of a lesson. Teachers may consult with the SENCO for some of these children, who may choose to monitor their progress.
- Targeted Support
Teachers and SENCO will identify those children whose needs continue to require more individualised support as progress is slow despite being supported within the class and through FAB groups. Their attainment would be significantly lower than their peers in the area of their need. The class teacher will liaise with the SENCO regarding their needs. An individual learning plan (ILP) will be implemented and parents will be informed. The SENCO may observe the child and may liaise with other professionals to provide specialist assessments and give advice on specific strategies, programmes and material. At this point, the child is identified as having special educational needs and would be entered into the SEND register.
- Target Plus Support
For those children with more significant learning needs where extended support from outside agencies and increased financial support may be beneficial. This stage indicates that the school feels an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is required and a request will be made to the local authority panel. Close consultation with parents or carers will be maintained at all times.