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Thorley Hill Primary School

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?


The SENCO is responsible for the management of the agreed resources for the special needs provision within the school, including the provision for children with statements of educational need or an EHCP. The Headteacher informs the Governing Board of how the funding is allocated to support special educational needs and disabilities and how it has been used. The Headteacher and SENCO meet regularly to agree on how to use funds directly related to the budget from the Local Authority.

In Hertfordshire children with an EHCP receive a banding level according to the needs detailed in the EHCP. The pupil's EHCP will identify what funding is needed for our school to be able to deliver the specified provision outlined in the EHCP.

Local High Needs Funding (LHNF), meets the emerging needs of children and young people and those with complex needs who do not have an EHCP. If the SENCO and Headteacher feel that an individual child's needs meet the criteria to require additional funding, in order to facilitate their access to the curriculum in the immediacy, the SENCO can apply for High needs funding (HNF) whilst the school consider whether an EHCP assessment is necessary. HNF panels meet once a month. Parents are always consulted before any application takes place.