Who can I contact for further information?
In the first instance, parents/carers are encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher. For pupils with SEND, further information and support can be sought from our SENCO, Mrs Tonya Couper. Parents/carers can discuss their child’s strengths and needs in person, by telephone or email, if preferred. Parents/carers are also able to contact the Headteacher or SEN Governor.
The school may be able to pass on details of SEN support via national websites, helplines, local support groups and local courses for parents. The Head and/or SEND Governor may also be contacted for more urgent enquiries. The county SEND Officer may be contacted if you require information or advice from County. You can also contact the Special Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services SENDIASS - www.hertssendiass.org.uk should you require general SEND advice.
Whilst we would hope that any problems may be overcome in school if they are not then the Herts Complaint Policy will offer further guidance.