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Thorley Hill Primary School

Behaviour and House Points


 We are very proud of the good behaviour that our children show around the school and when they are learning.  We have a clear behaviour policy and staff adhere to this to provide consistency of expectation for all.  We reward good behaviour with house points (see below). 

Please see our behaviour policy by clicking on the link. 

House Points 


Each of our children are allocated into a house from when they enter into the school in Reception.  We have four houses.  These are :

  • Air (Yellow)
  • Water (Blue)
  • Fire (Red)
  • Earth (Earth)

To promote and reward good behaviour, our children are given house points when they are spotted following the school rules and displaying good behaviour and positive learning attitudes.  These rewards are totaled up on a weekly basis and celebrated in our Friday celebration assembly and reported in the weekly newsletter.  Each half term the house who have collected the most points for this time are rewarded with an afternoon where the house get together and celebrate.  
